Monday, November 15, 2010

A Beginning

Any attempt to write one's thoughts down on paper, or worse yet to publish such thoughts to the broader world is a fool's errand.  In this vain we begin, with great fear and trepidation.  Possibly because I might one day look back on the banality of these words and realize why I'd never attempted to journal before.  The proof will be in the pudding.

 I've titled this corner of the web "The Metanarrative".  Simply put, a metanarrative is any attempt to make sense of the world around us in terms of a larger story. Therefore, a metanarrative is a story about a story, encompassing and explaining other "little stories" within totalizing schemes.  This grand narrative prescribes to have a beginning, middle and an end.  The belief in a metanarrative provides a framework for understanding the human condition.  I believe there is a grand story taking place.  A story that has been taking place since the beginning of the universe, and one that will end with a new beginning.  It is within the larger story that each individual on the face of the earth finds context, meaning and significance. 

Seeing the world through the lense of a larger story destroys the self-aggrandizement of postmodernism, and in so doing provides freedom to each human actor in the play.  It is within the context of a larger story that this blog will attempt to make some sense of the world around us and to unpack some of the great questions of life.  Why am I here?  What is the meaning to life?  Is there really a standard for truth and beauty?  What's the solution to the mess that is life on planet earth?  Every person with a pulse wants the answers to these questions.  We may just find some of them as we begin to see life, the world and the cosmos within the context of a grand narrative.

Below is a video on the importance of History from my time with The Truth Project...

"Without History, Nothing has any Meaning." 
                                                                                                    Theodore Dalrymple

1 comment:

  1. GAT,
    Thanks for your foray into the blogosphere w/ your "MetaNarrative". I am looking forward to reading and following where it goes. Glad you are back at Milligan. Thank you for your progressive attempt and taking a step in helping bring Milligan [a place dear to our hearts] into the 21st century. Welcome home, brother. All I have for you is Philippians 4:8. Happy trails...
